Enerfin-Ironstone are committed to involving the local and regional community, including government, businesses and local residents, as planning for the project progresses.
Interested community members and stakeholders will have a number of opportunities to become involved in the project, including providing feedback and suggestions for the project team to consider in the project’s development.
The project team will ensure that the community is kept up-to-date throughout the project and will provide advance notice of any investigation or work underway on or near the project site.
Woolsthorpe Wind Farm is proposing a Community Fund which will offer financial support to local community projects through a grant program.
The grant program will provide up to $ 60,000 of funding each year, commencing from shortly after the start of construction (once the Project has reached Financial Close) and continuing through operation to decommissioning of the wind farm.
What are the advantages of wind-generated electricity?Wind energy is a free, renewable resource, so no matter how much is used today, there will still be the same supply in the future. Wind energy is also a source of clean, non-polluting, electricity. Unlike conventional power plants, wind plants emit no air pollutants or greenhouse gases.
How long will construction last?Construction time for this relatively small project is estimated to be between 10 and 12 months. As we progress the discussion with the construction team, this timeframe will be firmed up. Construction times are particularly reliant on favorable weather conditions. We are aware of the high rainfall and wind in the area and this will impact the timeline. It is likely that construction during the wet winter months will be limited to reduce the impact on the land and roads. Further details to be provided as they become available.
How does a Wind Turbine produce electricity?The wind passes over the blades creating lift (like an aircraft wing) which causes the rotor to turn. The blades turn a low-speed shaft inside the nacelle: gears connect the low speed shaft of the rotor with a high-speed shaft that drives a generator. Here, the slow rotation speed of the blades is increased to the high speed of generator revolution. Some wind turbines do not contain a gearbox and instead use a direct drive mechanism to produce power from the generator. The rapidly spinning shaft drives the generator to produce electric energy. Electricity from the generator goes to a transformer which converts it to the right voltage for the electricity grid. The electricity is then transmitted via the electricity network.
Are wind turbines noisy for local residents?Most turbine noise is masked by the sound of the wind itself, and the turbines run only when the wind blows. Noise from wind turbines has diminished as the technology has improved. Under most conditions, modern turbines are quiet. In addition to this, there are strict guidelines on the amount of noise a wind turbine can emit and the level (in dB) of that noise at stipulated distances. As such the impact of noise from modern wind farm developments has been greatly diminished.
Are there safety hazards associated to wind turbines?Unlike most other generation technologies, wind turbines do not use combustion to generate electricity, and hence don't produce air emissions. The only potentially toxic or hazardous materials are relatively small amounts of lubricating oils and hydraulic and insulating fluids. Therefore, contamination of surface or ground water or soils is highly unlikely.
What happens when the wind stops blowing?The power grid operator constantly matches the electricity generation available to electricity demand. No power plant is 100% reliable, and the electricity grid is designed to cope with power plants shutting down unexpectedly, and times when the wind is not blowing. Wind is variable, but predictable. Wind farm sites are chosen after careful analysis of wind patterns. This enables a forecast of output to be made - information which can be made available to the network operators who will distribute the electricity.